On Fri, 18 Jun 2004 23:00:35 CDT, David Masover said:

> Do backups.  Now.  You are an idiot and/or a cheapskate if you don't
> have backups, because one day something will happen -- probably
> something ridiculously stupid -- and you will need them.  I mean, go
> build a backup server and, if you can afford it, give it something like
> a terabyte raid5 hotplug array.  Do it now.

And if possible, don't rely on the fact that raid5 is redundant.  I know
somebody who worked at a dot-com, and a PHB bought a large 2-terabyte RAID5 in
the days when 2T was still "pretty big".  Said PHB refused to buy a separate
backup, since it was hot-swap RAID5.  Friend voiced objections, and PHB gloated
the first 2 times a single disk died and the system automagically rebuilt onto
a hot spare.

Then poetic justice arrived - a plumbing problem on a floor above caused
multiple thousands of gallons to decide the fastest way to ground level was
through the RAID5. Everybody immediately started updating their resumes,
because they *knew* the company was doomed when all their data went away.
Except for the PHB - his resume used to be on the RAID5...;)

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