
Cami wrote:
Hi All,

Last night i done monthly maintence on all of my
mailhosts and after doing a reiserfsck, it looks
like i'll have to rebuild the tree on one of my
mail clusters (the other 8 clusters were fine)..

[mailhost01][/root]# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/emcpowera1       152G   35G  117G  23% /var/spool/virtual

Can anyone tell me roughly how dangerous this is

it is not dangerous. Just, please, make sure you have recent reiserfsck.

and roughly how long something like this will take?

hard to say. It depends on hardware. Given that 35 gb is not too much reiserfsck --rebuild-tree should not take too much. 2 hours? Vitaly may want to correct me, though

The filesystem stores all the users mailboxes in
maildir format so there are millions of files..

Any tips/comments would be appreciated..

PS: please do not forget that backuping is important when dealing with user mailboxes even if you are running super reliable hardward and bugless software.


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