On Sat, 21 May 2005 23:49:00 +0200, Pysiak Satriani said:

> I remember Hans saying that r4 is so stable that the developers themselves
> can not find any more bugs.

Which in reality probably means "It *probably* won't eat your data".

Remember that the developers have a limited number of different hardware
configurations, and a limited number of test tools, and a limited number
of ways they use the file system.

So there's probably *plenty* of bugs still to be found - most of them the sort
that nobody will expect, and won't be found until some user's creeping-horror
database application that's written half in Cobol and half in Python does 
totally stupid but legal.....

I've been on both ends - beta tester for software the developers weren't
finding any more bugs in (I filed over 300 bug reports against the product
anyhow), and had users find fatal bugs I couldn't find (my favorite had to be a
user who managed to crash software I wrote by entering a backspace character.
On an IBM 3270 terminal. Which doesn't *HAVE* a transmittable backspace
character - backspace is handled locally in the terminal....)

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