On Mon, Jun 27, 2005 at 01:30:06PM +0400, Alexander Zarochentsev wrote:
> -- procfs  has seq_file and sysconfig interfaces below the VFS and l-k people 
> do not complain each day about layering violation ;-)  Procfs is taken as an 
> example because it deals with objects of different types, actually anybody 
> may create own procfs objects more or less general way.

seq_file actually works at the file_operations level, that's exactly
what I'm telling you to do.  The old sub-callbacks are on their way out.

> I don't belive that you want to see all reiser4-specific things as item 
> plugins, disk format plugins in the VFS.

If you'd read the previous discussions you'd see that no one complained
about disk format plugins.

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