Well, it sounds a bit like a microsoft manager explaining why XP-Home
has no terminal server features ;-)

I think an mkfs-option would be best, with a warning if the value
given by the user is nonsence (3-8% ok?).
On the contrary a 500GB hard drive with normal files on it would not
benefit too much just because 25GB are free?

lg Clemens

> This is a bit arrogant, but I believe that a user that does not know how
> to recompile the kernel with the #define changed is not sophisticated
> enough to know how much he is going to hurt his performance by going
> from 95% to 99% space used, and a user who does not want to bother with
> recompiling is not going to study the topic enough to realize he is
> making a mistake 80% of the time.  It is important to know when
> designing a product when your users intuitions are going to be wrong
> 80%of the time, and while one should always be slow to reach such a
> conclusion, I think this is such a case.

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