Theodore Ts'o wrote:

>On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 09:41:36AM -0500, David Masover wrote:
>>And personally, if it was my FS, I'd stop working on fsck after it was 
>>able to "check".  That's what it's for.  To fix an FS, you wipe it and 
>>restore from backups.
>If that's Reiser4's philosophy, just make sure you tell all of your
>prospective users about ahead of time.  Is it really an explicit goal
>that performance is so important beyond all other considerations that
>it's OK if the filesystem is extremely fragile and that if anything
>goes wrong, you have to wipe things and recover from backups?!?
>I just want to make sure that's the official word and reflects the
>official philosophy of the reiser4 designers before I start telling
>users that this is a good reason to avoid reiser4 like the plague.
Ted, please acknowledge that you read my email replying to David.   I
know you'd really like to get going with the FUD, but.....

David is a Reiser4 user, not a developer, and while he is usually very
savvy and over modest, we all make mistakes in what we say, and this was
his turn.

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