On 3/28/06, Jonathan Briggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But for a production machine that is "producing" something of value, the
> extra cost should not be an issue.  RAM errors are so subtle and so hard
> to find that ECC is of far more value than RAID.  It is obvious when
> your disk fails.
> An extra high bit in a credit transaction could cost you $16,384 and you
> might not ever realize what happened. :)
> Anyway, off topic, but ECC is highly recommended.

And with the amount of memory that people are putting in modern system
1 bit events should be happening on a approx weekly basis.

ECC may be more expensive but it doesn't make memory more expensive
than it was just a few years ago.... you really should have it.

But this has gone far offtopic.

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