Quinn Harris wrote:
On Friday 15 September 2006 16:27, David Masover wrote:

Not sure if I would be better of trying initng or waiting for upstart
(Ubuntus new init) to get scripts that actually parallel boot.  The code
for upstart is very clean and it has the backing of a major distro, so I
have high hopes.
Hmm.  That sounds kind of cool, but I wonder how it compares to Gentoo's
init scripts?  I guess I'll have to wait till it hits the one Ubuntu box
I have...
Gentoo default init doesn't paralize well. Not when compared to initng which is realitivly easy to get to work on Gentoo.

I'm not sure what initng is, but the way I paralize Gentoo is by setting a flag in /etc/conf.d/rc:

I still don't see a difference between initng and Gentoo's init. I guess I'd have to install them both. One thing I like about Gentoo's init is that they are still just shell scripts, and it would take a minimal amount of code to convert them to/from the old init style.

The Ubuntu people decided initng wansn't powerfull enough (let alone the existing sysvinit). They thought it needed a better way to define the bootup sequence during boot. In addition to integrate running any task like ACPI events, hotplut, CRON into one consistent tool.

Aha, thanks.

Getting offtopic here, but I don't see the comparison I'm looking for. I see why it's different than launchd -- mostly, that launchd provides no way of knowing whether we want to wait for a script to run or an app to start. But I don't know of a way to know when an app has finished starting, unless it daemonizes itself -- which makes it easy to write a script that ends when the app has started.

I really don't see the usefulness of making that distinction as far as dependencies go.

Finally read up on the "event-based system", and I suspect this kind of thing could probably be an extension to a dependency-based system. I guess we'll see if initng pulls that off.

Wait...  Python is more universal than Ruby of Ruby on Rails?
Both Gentoo and Ubuntu install Python by default but not Ruby. And more people at least in the US are familiar with Python. Finally I might use Python inotify code (to replace readahead-watch) and the Ruby version is a bit alpha and I don't think availible in Gentoo or Ubuntu packages.

Speaking of which, the Perl inotify is broken for me a bit lately, I need to figure out what's going on. Unfortunately, I don't know if it's perl or the kernel that's broken...

I don't know of anything Python does reasonably well that Ruby can't do reasonably well (- the performance problem).

This might solve the performance problem:

I'm waiting for someone to do a decent
implementation of Ruby on something like .NET before I start using it
for anything I want to perform well.

If they can do it right, well, it seems like MS wants to replace C++ with C#, thus .NET should perform decently. Mono means it's cross-platform, or at least, it runs JIT'ed on the platforms I care about.

And hey, once you're on Gentoo or Ubuntu, it doesn't matter much, really. Install a Ruby app and Ruby becomes a dependency.

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