
ok, a bit later
No need to hurry ;)

both compressed and decompressed data are cached, it means that
cryptcompress file requires  *(2-R) more memory then usual file
(R - compression ratio)
Oh ... thats a drawback. It means the performance advantage
compression will do will be destroyed at least partially :-/ However I
am sure there are fine reasons to do so (or the current VFS design
forces to do so) and I also don't understand the background.
I am happy with what I get :-)

What is hardware configuration of your laptop?
Its a Northwood-P4-2.6ghz with a very slow (Hitachy?) drive:
"Timing buffered disk reads:   48 MB in  3.08 seconds =  15.59 MB/sec"

Thanks a lot for this great FS, lg Clemens

Btw. If you send me the setup - this could be seen as support service ;)
Would it help Reiser4 development if I pay the 25$ - or is the locked?

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