I am having a problem with the dauvergne_protocol.py script crashing when I
set DIFF_MODEL = 'sphere'
All other models run fine except for 'final', which complains about the
missing 'sphere' results.

I am running this script with 8 processors using mpirun
mpirun -np 8 relax --multi='mpi4py' -n 7 --tee rnd2.log relax_rnd2.py

The error message starts:
relax> grid_search(lower=None, upper=None, inc=11, constraints=True,

Over-fit spin deselection:
No spins have been deselected.
Only diffusion tensor parameters will be used.
Parallelised diffusion tensor grid search.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/export/home/skinnerj/mypackages/relax-2.2.5/multi/processor.py",
line 479, in run
...many lines that might not be helpful...
  File "/export/home/skinnerj/mypackages/relax-2.2.5/multi/processor.py",
line 522, in run
    command.run(self, completed)
line 129, in run
    results = self.optimise()
line 175, in optimise
    results = grid_point_array(func=self.mf.func, args=(),
points=self.opt_params.subdivision, verbosity=self.opt_params.verbosity)
  File "/export/home/skinnerj/mypackages/relax-2.2.5/minfx/grid.py", line
264, in grid_point_array
    n = len(points[0])

Nested Exception from sub processor
Rank: 1 Name: kff4-pid14220
Exception type: IndexError
Message: index out of bounds

Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks!

John "Jack" Skinner, Ph. D. | Postdoctoral Fellow | University of Chicago
Lab: 773.834.0658 | GCIS Room W107E, 929 E. 57th St. Chicago, IL 60637
relax (http://www.nmr-relax.com)

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