2011/9/19 Florian Müllner <fmuell...@gnome.org>
> On lun, 2011-09-19 at 15:39 +0200, Luca Ferretti wrote:
> >
> > It's a -1 from me. A small visual incoherence is better then feature
> > regression. Better wait 3.4 for a proper solution.
> I'm less worried about visual incoherence here, but rather about wrong
> usage of the switch widget[0], which might get picked up by application
> authors.
> (Quoting from #gnome-design: "the switch suggests that it's a global
> thing - that it'll affect all password fields")
> Regards,
> Florian
> PS: With regard to the feature regression, see bug 659275

Yes, I know the isseu you could have trying to type an unknown long
password for a brand new wireless network, that's the reason I like to
keep a way to show that password.
If the switch is really an issue, may I suggest another (improper, I
know) solution?

 ( Cancel )        ( Show Password )  ( Connect )

that will change to

 ( Cancel )        ( Hide Password )  ( Connect )

once clicked
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