On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 12:33 PM, Erick Pérez Castellanos
<erick....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi:
> Bug 736147 has been marked as blocker for GNOME 3.14. It would be
> sloppy of me not to fix completely the issue. So bug 685227 should be
> fixed as well.
> That second bug has the patch I've made for fixing the issue, it
> contains the implementation of the new (kinda old by now) shell search
> API. It obviously break ABI of Contacts, but being Contacts an user
> application, not a library, that shouldn't be a trouble for anyone.
> The patch has gone untested for a while because I have not been able
> to run a session with GNOME 3.13.9x for while (for a bunch of reasons,
> not being lazy, the wayland problem, plus my binary nvidia drivers,
> plus my pc being too old to run nouveau, etc.) I've tested those
> patches as far as I can, but I can't get the dbus connecting part
> working for the reasons explained above.
> So the impact of fixing the bug: as the situation is today, you can
> not pass a search from the shell the Contacts, cause it is not
> implemented. So that the main reason of fixing it. And finally, I
> think we should not wait till the next development phase because it is
> already implemented.
> So, after all that. It's up to you.

I just went ahead and tested my patch to rename the search provider
ini file on my system:

before the change: no search results from contacts
after the change: all my friends show up!

so, I think we can declare the patch tested and working.
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