A Divendres 04 Gener 2008, Rafael Fernández López va escriure:
> On Thursday 03 January 2008 21:08:50, Tom Albers wrote:
> > Reminder:
> > Today (2008/01/03) at midnight UTC we start the Tagging Freeze for KDE
> > 4.0.0.
> >
> > Only allowed changes: compile fixes; *reviewed* fixes of blocker bugs;
> > changes needed to build the release tarballs.
> >
> > Please update your application version numbers today for a 4.0.0 release.
> > For the translators: please no more translations permitted either.
> >
> > We will let you know when trunk is open again for 4.0.1 bug-fixing.
> >
> > The Release Team.
> The problem with KPluginSelector has been fixed (that one was a blocker).
> Green light for tagging.
> The problem was that a bunch of .desktop files were translating a
> should-not-be-translated X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category field.

I completely disagree here, X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category is clearly defined as 
translatable in ~/l10n-kde4/scripts/createdesktopcontext.pl so it's your 
problem asuming a field would not be translated when it is.


> Now all of them are fixed, all KDE modules (from kdelibs to extragear and
> playground).
> Bye,
> Rafael Fernández López
> GPG Fingerprint: B9F4 4730 43F8 FFDD CC5E BA8E 724E 406E 3F01 D070

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