On Tuesday 13 May 2008, Tobias Hunger said:
> Am Freitag, 9. Mai 2008 23:16:30 schrieben Sie:
> > On Tuesday 06 May 2008, Tobias Hunger wrote:
> > > How are you providing access
> > > to your D-Bus interfaces?
> >
> > We install the xml file and we let "client" code use qdbusxml2cpp on it.
> I would not mind havig clients regenerate the bindings code, but
> unfortunately qdbusxml2cpp is just not able to do that: The client will
> need to have access to all the support code (marshalling/demarshaling, type
> definitions, etc.) that is required to make the code generated by
> qdbusxml2cpp work.
> How do you provide access to that? Do you put that into a library?

Forward this to kde-core-devel, I'd like an answer to this.  I think the 
answer is the "client" has to do it statically.


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