Op Thursday 07 January 2010 20:20 schreef u:
> SVN commit 1071246 by neundorf:
> -we require 2.6.2, nothing else, we can discuss a higher version for 4.5, not
> for 4.4.x.
> How can you change like the most important property of our buildsystem while
> branching for the release without even letting kde-buildsystem or the
> maintainer (me) know ???
> Alex

Hi Alex,

Your frustration is noted and we will try to inform you next time. In this case 
the problem was detected based on the rc1 tarballs. The time between tagging 
RC1 and the release is very, very limited, just a couple of hours. The simple 
option in this case was to increase the dependency...

In my opinion that is exactly what a RC is for, finding these problems, find a 
fix before the final release. If a developer does not like the fix, he can 
still fix it before final. But again, we failed to communicate to you, a simple 
message 'Hi Alex, we fixed it temporary, but you might want to review our 
solution' should have been send.

Hope this clarifies,


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