On Tue, 24 May 2011, Alexander Neundorf wrote:

> On Sunday 22 May 2011, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
>> On Sunday 22 May 2011, Kevin Kofler wrote:
>>> On Sunday 22 May 2011, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
>>>> So, what I'm doing right now for kdesupport is to create one
>>>> CMakeLists.txt, which contains all the contained projects (automoc4,
>>>> phonon, attica, akonadi, ...) via the externalproject()-feature from
>>>> CMake.
>>>> What it does, is it gets and updates all the sources from git,
>>>> configures, builds and installs them.
>>>> So it feels almost like it did before.
>>> Unfortunately, this is of no use for us packagers because we are banned
>>> by policy (and at least in Fedora, this is enforced by the build system)
>>> from downloading stuff during build. We can only work from tarballs. (If
>>> we want to package a snapshot, we have to check it out, tar it, then
>>> package the resulting tarball.)
>> I'll see whether I can do something for this.
>> Alex
> Looks good :-)
> I have here now a CMakeLists.txt for kdesupport, which downloads everything
> from git and builds it.
> But on "make package", it creates basically a package of the downloaded
> sources together with a matching CMakeLists.txt (which then doesn't download,
> but just uses the already present sources).
> I.e.
> you could do "cmake <srcdir>" , then "make package" (or maybe some custom
> target), and then you'd have a tgz of kdesupport which you can unpack and
> build anywhere.
> Would that help your case ?
> Alex

Hi Alex


I have no issues with creating a comprehensive tarball myself. In 
fact, if this allows me to build a single monolithic kdesupport 
package again, then you provide what I need.

The resulting kdesupport source tarball will then of course also be 
available to other interested parties, since Slackware (and/or my own 
test repository) will provide this source tarball along with the 
binary Slackware package.

I think it would be awesome if this should be repeated for the other 
tarballs which got split (kdeedu, and I think kdebase too but I have 
not yet looked closer).

Cheers, Eric

Eric Hameleers <al...@slackware.com>
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