On Wednesday 30 April 2014 07:50:02 Scott Kitterman wrote:
> >The difference is that you will do proper testing with all the QA in
> >place on
> >each distros, we don't have such thing "upstream" beyond the tests.
> >
> >As for the mess, each distro picks their version as you said and you
> >(as in
> >distros) already do backports and cherry-pick patches, nothing new.
> A certain amount of it isn't new.  What's new is upstream abandoning each
> release as soon as it's out the door.
We do not abandon the release because the release is master. What you call 
release will just be a technicality (putting things on a tarball), or at least 
that is the idea.

> We push all the maintenance updates too.  After a certain point we are on
> our own, but with KDE SC there has been a good level of support for from
> upstream to get things in good shape. Now it's all going to be on us.
Well, and in KDE SC it was mostly us (developers doing backports and fixes).

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