On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 12:35 PM, David Edmundson <da...@davidedmundson.co.uk
> wrote:

> Valorie spent some time at Akademy telling me about some other person she
> knows who uses the project. It might not be active, but it isn't all doom
> and gloom either.

I'm not saying it's doom and gloom or even that it doesn't work
anymore, I'm just saying it's unmaintained and most of the parts
around it are also unmaintained. I don't know if KDE has any
policies about releasing and shipping unmaintained software,
so I just wanted the release team to be aware. That is all.

> We do have two semi-active developers; Alexandr(Kaffiene) and James.
> You've been actively blocking anything from James for over a year. I know
> he's very difficult to work with, but amongst his distributed-presence
> monstrosity he is also fixing things including going through the bugs.
> (for context for others, you get a complex patch, you ask a question about
> something and you just get a bigger patch with more and more unrelated
> changes in it with zero description. No matter what you type, this
> continues forever. I think it's a language problem). He isn't bad though -
> the fact that he's kept uploading them despite the frustration shows some
> willpower.

I did block his patches because they went the exact opposite
from where I wanted the project to go, as a maintainer. I have
told him exactly what I want those patches to turn into, he would
always ignore what I said. I have even asked him to take over
the project and do whatever. Sorry, if someone's unwilling to
collaborate on a project in the least bit, even participate in a decent
discussion, yes, I will not accept such contributions, even more
so if I as a maintainer don't agree with them. I mean, that's what
maintainers are for. I don't think it's a language problem at all.

KDE is built upon collaboration after all.

> Upstream is mixed. Kaffiene's work on Telegram is pretty good.

> As for KAccounts. It's been a huge setup since it went in.
> I don't think I've ever managed. It's one of 2 things (the kpeople port
> being the other) that killed me working on the project.
> Thinking positively we do have two options for the latter.
>  - We can restore my original ktp-accounts-kcm, it would be a fairly
> simple job, the code is still there and the original auth handler still
> works.
>  - we modify my ktp-bootstrap file to fetch and build them.

Well, KAccounts just works™, it's just unmaintained too.

Martin Klapetek

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