Hi there

blogilo did not seem to have bumped its so-version:
whereas the rest is at 5.6.1

mfg Tobias

On 5 September 2017 at 16:07, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <kosse...@kde.org>

> Am Dienstag, 5. September 2017, 10:51:43 CEST schrieb Ben Cooksley:
> > Minuet fails because it does not use ECM, and is therefore not
> > building with ASAN enabled. Because ASAN is contagious and Frameworks
> > is built with ASAN enabled, Minuet fails to compile. A similar issue
> > impacts Marble (which is disabled on the FreeBSD CI as it causes
> > issues for the Dependency Build jobs which the whole system depends on
> > to function properly).
> >
> > There are only two fixes for this: 1) Using ECM in both of those
> > projects or 2) Fixing Frameworks/ECM to pass along the enablement of
> > ASAN to anything which uses Frameworks.
> >
> > This is not a compile time issue on Linux due to how ASAN works on
> > Linux (however the binaries produced won't be usable unless ASAN is
> > injected into the binary using LD_PRELOAD)
> There is a third fix option:
> Fixing ECM code to support the dynamic lib option with ASAN also with
> clang as
> compiler, instead of resulting in different behaviour  (gcc using -shared-
> libasan, clang not) which in the aftermath then prevents LD_PRELOAD
> injection
> from helping on freebsd.
> From https://github.com/google/sanitizers/wiki/AddressSanitizer
>     Q: When I link my shared library with -fsanitize=address, it fails due
> to
> some undefined ASan symbols (e.g. asan_init_v4)?
>     A: Most probably you link with -Wl,-z,defs or -Wl,--no-undefined. These
> flags don't work with ASan unless you also use -shared-libasan (which is
> the
> default mode for GCC, but not for Clang).
> Right now https://cgit.kde.org/extra-cmake-modules.git/tree/modules/
> ECMEnableSanitizers.cmake#n164 only tries to dump (half of) the
> conflicting
> linker flags in case of clang, where instead it should possibly see to add
> the
> flag -shared-libasan. Though that might mean some juggling with supported
> clang versions, which made me stay away from trying to propose a fix
> (besides
> not having that much clue about ASan and clang :) ).
> Cheers
> Friedrich

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