El dilluns, 25 de març de 2024, a les 8:10:43 (CET), Plata va escriure:
> Dear Release Team,
> Kalm has spent some time in KDE Review (see
> https://invent.kde.org/utilities/kalm/-/issues/2). Can we add it
> to/release it in KDE Gear?

As far as I understand Kalm has never been released, right?

For new apps *personally* I always suggest to do a few releases on your own 
because it allows for much faster feature turn-around than KDE Gear that has a 
very strict 3 months for new features schedule, that is usually fine for 
"established" apps but for something new you may very well find that there's 
that obvious feature missing that everyone needs and now you can't add it 
until 3 months in the future.


> Best regards
> Plata
> P.S.: CC me on the answers, I'm not subscribed

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