Meeting minutes from Qt Release Team meeting 17th October 2017

Qt 5.10 status:
- Beta 1 released a week ago
- Target to get beta 2 out as soon as possible. Unfortunately we haven't been 
able to get qt5.git integrated since beta1
   * Remaining issue: QTBUG-63724 QtMultimedia build failed because of 'virtual 
memory range for PCH exceeded' during qt5.git integration in '5.10'
      ** This is only known blocker for beta2
      ** Fix proposal available (
- Target is to announce soft string freeze during this week and have official 
string freeze a week after that
- Target start branching from '5.10' -> 5.10.0 quite soon, current estimate at 
the beginning of November
- API review fixes are in progress; needs to be in before RC
   * RC blocker list here:

Next meeting Tue 31st October 16:00 CET


irc log below:
[17:00:06] <jaheikki3> akseli: iieklund: thiago: fkleint: ZapB: 
tronical:vladimirM: aholza: peter-h: mapaaso: ankokko: fkleint: carewolf: 
[17:00:46] <thiago> jaheikki3: pong
[17:01:39] <jaheikki3> Time to start Qt release team meeting
[17:01:48] <jaheikki3> On agenda today:
[17:01:52] <jaheikki3> Qt 5.10 status
[17:02:00] <jaheikki3> Any additional item to the agenda?
[17:03:20] <jaheikki3> Ok, let's browse through the Qt 5.10 status now:
[17:03:33] <jaheikki3> Beta 1 released a week ago
[17:03:48] <jaheikki3> target to get beta 2 out as soon as possible
[17:04:17] <jaheikki3> Unfortunately we haven't been able to get qt5.git 
integrated since beta1 content
[17:04:46] <jaheikki3> Remaining issue: QTBUG-63724 QtMultimedia build failed 
because of 'virtual memory range for PCH exceeded' during qt5.git integration 
in '5.10' 
[17:04:47] <qt_gerrit> jaheikki3: QtMultimedia build failed because of 'virtual 
memory range for PCH exceeded' during qt5.git integration in '5.10' - (Open)
[17:05:21] <jaheikki3> Fix proposal available 
( verification ongoing if it is 
really proper one
[17:05:22] <qt_gerrit> jaheikki3: [qt/qt5/5.10] Provisioning: Adjust Virtual 
Memory Page File from Heikki Halmet - 
[17:05:54] <jaheikki3> And it is only known blocker for beta2
[17:06:49] <jaheikki3> And to be able to release Qt 5.10 final at the end we 
should start string freeze soon
[17:07:22] <jaheikki3> Target is to announce soft string freeze during this 
week and have official string freeze a week after that
[17:08:48] <jaheikki3> We should also start branching from '5.10' -> 5.10.0 
quite soon, i would say at the beginning of November
[17:08:58] <frkleint> thiago: Has this move of qStartsWIth & etc into a 
namespace been sorted?
[17:09:14] <thiago> frkleint: no
[17:09:37] <thiago> I've been busy with QRandomGenerator API
[17:09:42] <frkleint> that would be a  a blocker for branching 5.10.0
[17:09:44] <frkleint> ?
[17:10:17] <frkleint> ok, so to speak, API is still in flux
[17:10:23] <frkleint> for various classes
[17:10:32] <thiago> yes
[17:10:40] <thiago> API review fixes are in progress
[17:10:56] <jaheikki3> ok, that should be sorted out quite soon
[17:11:00] <thiago> thanks for reminding of the qstringfunctions.h one
[17:11:05] -*- thiago starts a change so he won't forget
[17:11:07] <frkleint> np ;-) 
[17:11:19] <thiago> qstringalgorithsm.h
[17:11:20] <jaheikki3> thanks thiago and frkleint!
[17:12:06] <jaheikki3> ongoing API review fixes aren't blocking beta n but are 
blocking RC of course
[17:12:44] <jaheikki3> There is already few issues in RC blocker list as well, 
[17:13:51] <jaheikki3> It was pretty much all about Qt 5.10 status now. Any 
other comments or questions?
[17:14:36] <frkleint> Will this WEbKit be part of the official release -
[17:14:43] <frkleint> we had some unclarity  here...
[17:14:59] <jaheikki3> frkleint: no, webkit isn't part of release
[17:15:03] <frkleint> ok
[17:16:15] <jaheikki3> Ok, this was all at this time. Let's skip meeting next 
week & have next one Tue 31 October
[17:16:37] <frkleint> Public holiday in Germany, but I guess it does not matter 
[17:16:50] <frkleint> 500 anniversary of Reformation
[17:16:55] <frkleint> (Martin Luther)
[17:17:57] <jaheikki3> frkleint: ahh, ok.
[17:18:18] <jaheikki3> I think we others can have short status meeting even you 
are on holiday ;)
[17:19:08] <frkleint> sure
[17:19:19] <jaheikki3> Let's end this meeting now. Thanks for your 
[17:19:22] <jaheikki3> bye
[17:19:24] <thiago> bye
[17:19:30] <frkleint> expects to read "5.10 rolling" on the Wednesday after ;-) 
[17:19:31] <frkleint> byhe
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