For what it's worth in this discussion, I have now found several 
stories on-line about Klingenschmitt that report, among other things, 
that he was a strenuous advocate for a Jewish sailor for whom the 
Navy had not supplied sufficient kosher food aboard ship.

See, e.g.,

On 12 Jul 2005 at 13:24, Sanford Levinson wrote:

> Rick asks:
> By the way, am I too sensitive or do I perceive a certain animus
> toward evangelicals in this discussion? Not surprisingly, perhaps, my
> initial posting was generated by an evangelical memorial sermon,
> presumably an "official" activity on the Navy ship where it
> occurred,that appeared to suggest that all Jews are subject to the
> "wrath of God" and, I presume, damned. Would it be fair to say that
> anyone who has such views, even if they are sincerely held and based
> on their best understanding of the Gospel, has "a certain animus" to
> stiff-necked Jews who resist conversion? If one answers "no" to this
> question, then I think that is the correct answer to Rick's question.
> If yes, then ditto. sandy

Ira C. ("Chip") Lupu
F. Elwood & Eleanor Davis Professor of Law 
The George Washington University Law School 
2000 H St., NW
Washington D.C 20052

(202) 994-7053


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