Chaplain Klingenschmitt, I never implied that you held a pro-coercion point of view, let alone that you were “in favor of forced religious attendance or forced conversions”. I merely invited you to consider the question of the constitutionality of the military chaplaincy itself, and pointed out that it has been considered before. I had read your site and I commend your anti-coercion stance. It appears that certain chaplains senior to you did actively advocate coercion for members of the navy to involuntarily attend religious services. They should know better. My point is that if a significant number of senior chaplains do not know that coerced attendance is unconstitutional, then it is time to question the integrity of the Navy Chaplaincy.

It sounds to me like the military chaplaincy has become the opposite of what it contends to be. Perhaps my quote by Madison has hit the nail on the head. I would be interested in knowing more about the group of sailors who were subjected to this mandatory attendance. Can you give me the names of all the ships/units involved? The date and place of required attendance? I’ll attempt to inform as many as possible that their right to religious liberty was violated, and I’ll encourage them to sue. The discussion boards at are good places to pass info to service members.

It is highly revealing that my tax monies go to the State Department’s worldwide hunt for violations of religious liberty when right here at home I’m compelled to fund the Navy Chaplaincy who also engages in coercion.

"In Taliban-controlled areas, the Taliban had decreed that all Muslims were required to take part in five daily prayers. Those who were observed not praying at appointed times or who were late attending prayer were subject to punishment, including severe beatings. Friday noon prayers at mosques reportedly were compulsory for all Muslim men; women and girls reportedly were forbidden to enter mosques and thus were forced to pray at home."

Gordon James Klingenschmitt wrote:

"5) Lest anyone thinks I'm in favor of forced religious attendance or forced conversions, the Navy also disciplined me for protesting "government-mandated attendance quotas" to a pro-gay church. They actually ordered quotas, and forced attendance, and I protested, and I was silenced and reprimanded in writing. (Read more at )"

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