All I have found is her dissent in Hankins v Lyght. Not much for Sekulow to hang his hat on there. I would think he would be glad for her clear embrace of the ministerial exception, even if she doesn't sound thrilled about the scope of RFRA as the majority framed it. Hardly supports his claim, in my opinion. option=com_content&task=view&id=2398&Itemid=134

On May 7, 2009, at 3:12 PM, Marc Stern wrote:

The unanimous 10 commandments case Sekulow refers to is obviously Summum--and that case by its very terms decided no Establishment Clause issue. Nothing like honest reporting. As to her opinions,is he possibly referring the Bronx Household of Prayer case (in either the Court of Appeals or the District Court) ?.I don't think she sat in the 2nd Circuits foray into Christmas observances in the public schools.
Marc Stern
From: [mailto:religionlaw-] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 3:50 PM
Subject: ACLJ's Jay Sekulow Slams Judge Sonia Sotomayor on church stateseparation

I thought members of this list might be interested in an interview of the ACLJ's Jay Sekulow that ran on Fox News last Friday discussing possible replacements for Justice Souter with much of the time spent discussing Judge Sonia Sotomayor. Although Sekulow never mentioned any specific opinion or statement from Judge Sotomayor, he claimed that she is "much further to the left than Justice Ginsburg or Justice Souter." Sekulow also referred to winning a recent ten commandments case before the US Supreme Court with a 9-0 vote and said he thinks the vote would have been 8-1 if Judge Sotomayor were on the Court because she has a "very, very strict view of church state separation."

You can find the full 7 minute interview on the Fox News website at: http://tinyurl/JudgeSlam

Or, if you forgive the self-promotion, you can see the relevant clips interspersed with critical commentary in my 4 minute 20 second YouTube video titled "Fox News Slams Judge Sonia Sotomayor for Supreme Court?" at

I thought it particularly appropriate to post my video to this list because I actually provide a link to one of my previous posts to this list in the video. See

My question for the members of this list:

Are there any specific opinions or statement from Judge Sotomayor that back up Jay Sekulow's characterization of her as "much further to the left than Justice Ginsburg or Justice Souter" or of her having a "very, very strict view of church state separation?"

Allen Asch

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