The second circuit held in a split decision somehow dissenting that FRA 
displaced the ministerial  exCeption. Somehow would have held it did not but in 
the course of so arguing unnecessarily argued FRA did not apply in private 
lawsuits brought under federal statutes. I do not remember the name of the case
Marc stern

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tue Jun 09 19:14:20 2009
Subject: Re: Illinois RFRA

Wondering if there is any word on the Michigan rule regarding witness/party 
attire (veiled muslim incident)?
Also, do you have readily available a cite to Illinois' RFRA and a thought on 
whether it is properly invoked as a defense in a civil lawsuit which asks the 
court to find and employment or other supervisory relationship between a 
minister and a religious judicatory (in effect, declaring what the faith's 
polity or governance structure is as opposed to what the faith says it is) and 
thereby awarding monetary damages to plaintiff from the judicatory for wrongful 
acts by the minister?
I have the same question as far as Texas RFRA is concerned....
--Don Clark


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