The student organizers (from the GW chapter of the J. Reuben Clark Law
Society), Bob Tuttle, and I want to call your attention to the details of
this year's National Religious Freedom Moot Court Competition:
"The 6th Annual National Religious Freedom Moot Court Competition will be
held at George Washington University Law School on Feb. 10-11, 2012. The
competition is open to teams from ABA-accredited law schools. The deadline
to register is Monday, Nov. 7th. This year’s problem deals with the
interpretation and constitutionality of the religious performance exception
in the Copyright Act of 1976. The final round will be judged by Judge Julio
M. Fuentes of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit; Chief Judge
Emily Hewitt of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims; and Prof. Kent Greenawalt
of Columbia Law School. More information is available at the website
devoted to the competition,";

Thanks to any of you who encourage or help your students who participate in
this very successful competition.


Ira C. Lupu
F. Elwood & Eleanor Davis Professor of Law
George Washington University Law School
2000 H St., NW
Washington, DC 20052
My SSRN papers are here:
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