My class discussed this problem of government funding of parochial schools 
yesterday.   Most retreated to the simplistic model of “don’t take the money if 
you don’t want the conditions,”  which isn’t very reflective about the deeper 
and longer-term issues involved in financial interdependence between religion 
and the state.   They had great difficulty thinking through how far the 
government might, legally can and ethically should go in imposing majoritarian 
values on religious schools.

It does not seem that my students realize that, in an era of declining 
voluntary support for some religious institutions, some of them  truly hurting 
for money (especially to compete with the more lavishly appointed suburban 
public schools) may be tempted to take the money and either ignore the 
conditions or ignore the effect that complying with the conditions will have 
eventually on their community values.  Of course, these same temptations can 
also be presented by a tuition-financed religious school that finds itself 
catering to the consumerist mentality of parents who are paying significant 
tuition to send their children to religious schools and therefore expect them 
to compete with public schools in amenities, ethos and programs.

Partly, I think, this is partly due to the fact that the virtue and habit of 
benevolence and shared community sacrifice has not been passed down very well 
to the non-gray-haired members of Christian congregations in some 
denominations.    As just one example, in my church body, which is more 
mainstream, many (perhaps most) church schools have gone from being largely 
supported through congregational giving (in which all of the people in the 
congregation essentially took care of the children of the church school) to 
tuition to be paid by the parents, with perhaps some limited scholarships for 
low-income people and perhaps meager support from the congregation.      This 
is not only true in the struggling congregations but in the wealthy 
congregations, where such support should be easily available.

Perhaps the justices who asked these questions are responding to this “reality 
on the ground” more than trying to stake out a different ideological approach.  
 However, I really wonder some days if the “voluntary principle” will work for 
the future in this much altered climate of expectations about religious 
benevolence, if our church body’s experience is representative.

Marie A. Failinger  |  Professor of Law
651-695-7658 |  Fax: 651-290-6414<>

Mitchell Hamline School of Law
875 Summit Ave. | St. Paul, MN 55105
Great in theory. Even better in practice.

[] On Behalf Of Alan E Brownstein
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 5:20 PM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics <>
Subject: Re: Trinity Lutheran and the ERISA cases - Do Churches Want Special 
Treatment or Not?

Not all of the same folk who complain about government funding.

There are still some of us left who support the old model of significant 
limitations on government funding of religious institutions and significant 
protection of religious institutions from government regulation and 

What I see developing, unhappily, is both conservatives and liberals accepting 
a minimalist, formalistic understanding of the religion clauses. Constitutional 
prohibitions will invalidate overt discrimination against religion through 
regulation or funding.

Neutral regulations and conditions accompanying funding will be grist for the 
political mill. I suspect that the end result will be increased polarization 
and antipathy in our society and a patchwork quilt of distinct environments. A 
lot may depend on where one lives.


on behalf of Marc Stern <<>>
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 2:47:32 PM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: RE: Trinity Lutheran and the ERISA cases - Do Churches Want Special 
Treatment or Not?

That’s all true, but the deal used to be no funding and lots of church  
autonomy in return., including the right to hire and fire for religious 
reasons. The same folks who complain about government funding are quite willing 
to  allow government regulation of religious organizations with our regard to 

Marc D. Stern
General Counsel
212 891 1480
646 289 2707 (c )
212 891 1495 (f)<><><><>
[Description: cid:image005.jpg@01CFA04D.71B24C30]

[] On Behalf Of Eric J Segall
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 5:17 PM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: Re: Trinity Lutheran and the ERISA cases - Do Churches Want Special 
Treatment or Not?

When I worked for DOJ in the late 80's and litigated a major Chapter (now I 
think Title) 2 funding case in San Francisco, the main plaintiff's lawyer was a 
devout 7th Day Adventist who strongly feared government grants to religious 
schools would ultimately dissipate religious freedom. Many religious folks at 
the time held this view. I agree with Marty and Chris that this view seems to 
have largely disappeared.



Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 26, 2017, at 5:03 PM, Christopher Lund 
<<>> wrote:
Marty makes some good points here.

It leads me back to a recurring thought I’ve had about Trinity Lutheran and 
Dignity Health.  They don’t have much in common.  But in both cases, the 
rationale for distinctive treatment rests on an old separationist rationale 
that few people believe anymore or even understand.  “Separation for the sake 
of separation,” they will say.  Marty talks about Trinity Lutheran this way and 
he’s right, but I think Dignity Health is strikingly similar.  If Dignity 
Health were litigated today, and the religious exemption were requested under 
RFRA or Sherbert/Yoder, would it even raise a genuine issue?  I assume not—I 
can’t see a cognizable burden on religion.

Things are changing all around.

Christopher C. Lund
Associate Professor of Law
Wayne State University Law School
471 West Palmer St.
Detroit, MI  48202<>
(313) 577-4046 (phone)

[] On Behalf Of Marty Lederman
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2017 11:36 AM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics 
Subject: Re: Trinity Lutheran and the ERISA cases - Do Churches Want Special 
Treatment or Not?

Yes, but neither before, nor during, nor after, that 14-year window (1971-1985) 
did the Court ever suggest that direct money payments to a church would be 
constitutional under the Establishment Clause -- let alone that a state would 
be constitutionally prohibited from adhering to such a bright-line rule, 
something that 39 states have done for 200 or so years (Missouri's prohibition 
having been in its Constitution when it joined the union in 1821).  (And even 
in the states that do not have such an express prohibition, and within the 
federal government, I am not aware of any practice, until very recently, of 
direct money grants being given to churches.  The examples cited at pages 6-9 
of the Orthodox Jewish Congregations 
 (cited by Justice Alito at oral argument) are all very recent.)

To the contrary, in the most recent direct funding case, Mitchell, Justice 
O'Connor's controlling opinion stated that there are “special dangers 
associated with direct money grants to religious institutions”—a “form of aid 
[that] falls precariously close to the original object of the Establishment 
Clause’s prohibition.”  And even in Rosenberger, Justice Kennedy's majority 
opinion stated that “we have recognized special Establishment Clause dangers 
where the government makes direct money payments to sectarian institutions” and 
that “[i]t is, of course, true that if the State pays a church’s bills it is 
subsidizing it, and we must guard against this abuse.”  (Both of these were, of 
course, in the context of "neutral" programs that did not favor religious 

Chip is right that it is remarkable that not only has this longstanding 
Establishment Clause constraint been virtually forgotten, the Court is likely 
on the verge of replacing a "no funding" prohibition with a "must fund" 

He's also right that one major reason why this could happen is that the 
rationales for the "no funding" rule--in particular, Madison's 
church-autonomy-protective rationales--have virtually disappeared from the 
litigation, and from the public discourse more broadly.  (Note, for instance, 
that in Mitchell, O'Connor refers to "the original object of the Establishment 
Clause’s prohibition" without mentioning what it might be.)  One minor 
exception is the BJC amicus 
 [disclosure:  I consulted on it]; but its arguments, which were once so 
prominent in Religion Clause jurisprudence and scholarship, apparently no 
longer resonate with the audience that matters, including, perhaps, the author 
of Rosenberger, who once "recognized special Establishment Clause dangers where 
the government makes direct money payments to sectarian institutions” and 
purported to be committed to "guard[ing] against this abuse.”

On Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Laycock, H Douglas (hdl5c) 
<<>> wrote:

Actually, the Court adhered to a strong no-aid principle from 1971 to 1985. 
There are no cases striking down aid programs before or after that window. And 
even in that window there were a lot more than three pence worth of exceptions.

Everson announced two principles: no aid in absolutist terms, and no person can 
be deprived of social welfare benefits because of his religion. The two 
principles turn out to be inconsistent, because any government money can be 
understood either as aid or as a social welfare benefit. The inconsistency 
accounts for the inconsistencies of the Lemon-era cases. And the social welfare 
benefit principle accounts for the result in Everson, and Board of Education v. 
Allen in 1968, and all the cases from Witters forward.

Douglas Laycock
Robert E. Scott Distinguished Professor of Law
University of Virginia
580 Massie Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
on behalf of Ira Lupu [<>]
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2017 9:42 AM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: Re: Trinity Lutheran and the ERISA cases - Do Churches Want Special 
Treatment or Not?
A few points:

1) Trinity Lutheran has never been asked for or given its "word that the 
playground will be used for [exclusively] secular purposes." If it receives a 
grant, nothing in Missouri law will stop the church from using the playground 
for worship services or religious instruction.

2) In my original post, I did not claim that the Madisonian narrative behind 
the "no funding" rules of the Establishment Clause was correct or persuasive as 
an original matter.  I did suggest that the Madisonian narrative was the basis 
for a view that held a majority of the Supreme Court from 1947 until at least 
2002, and that no majority of the Court had ever repudiated.  Yet that 
narrative has dramatically declined within public discourse -- legal, cultural, 
political, and journalistic.

3) Trinity Lutheran is not an Establishment Clause case. The "no funding" 
decision did not rest on the few and ambiguous words of the Establishment 
Clause.  Rather, it rested on the clear and explicit words of Art. I, sec. 7 of 
the Missouri Constitution: "No money shall ever be taken from the public 
treasury, directly or indirectly, in aid of any church, sect, or denomination 
of religion." That is a no funding provision, and it cannot be squared with an 
equal funding principle. The question in the case is not whether equal funding 
is permissible under the federal constitution; rather, it is whether equal 
funding is required by the federal constitution.

4) I understand completely the normative objections to a no funding rule when 
the state is subsidizing public safety.  And I understand the Church's 
arguments from the equal protection clause, and the free exercise clause, that 
support those normative objections.  What I do not understand, and have not 
seen, are anything resembling an originalist argument that a rule forbidding 
the funding of churches violates either of those two provisions. How anyone 
could read the history of the 14th A, and prevalent attitudes at the time, to 
support a constitutional requirement of equal funding of churches is beyond me. 
I am not an originalist, but Justices Thomas and Gorsuch claim to be, and I 
will be very curious to read the originalist portions of the opinions that 
either of them writes or joins.

On Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 12:43 AM, Michael Peabody 
<<>> wrote:

As to the "secular function" argument, is it truly a secular function?  
Churches would claim that secular functions are not religious functions but at 
the same time are also saying, "We are doing something that secular 
organizations also do, but we are going to limit access in ways that secular 
non-profits by law cannot."   I don't know that such a position is tenable 
given the gestalt of the post-Obergefell age.

Further, many religious elementary schools as a rule do not generally 
distinguish between secular and religious portions but try to provide a 
wholistic spiritual atmosphere in all aspects of their activities and 
properties.  Having said this, I do believe the Court will avoid trying to 
figure out how secular or religious the use is, but rather take the 
organization's word that is is "secular."

And doesn't the "secular" designation invite secular regulation?

If the law required defibrillators and the state gave grants to secular 
institutions but denied them to religious schools that would be an entirely 
different matter. After all, a defibrillator has a clear purpose and can't be 
used for anything else. But here there is no such mandate for a rubber 
playground and a playground can be used for many things.

On a personal note, I am a strong supporter of parochial education​. I send 
both of my kids to religious schools at considerable expense. But I am 
concerned with the trending winnowing away of the religious character of these 
institutions if they begin to accept state funds and the state imposes hiring, 
curriculum, and other regulations that impinge on this character in order to 
protect the taxpayers' secular investment.

Ultimately, I do anticipate that the Court, if it reaches the merits, will find 
in favor of Trinity Lutheran and accept the school's word that the playground 
will be used for secular purposes.

Given the bakery and photographer cases, and threats to require facilities to 
be open to all comers, I think a follow-up round of litigation on usage will be 
unavoidable and given the results of the existing wedding services cases 
involving small businesses, it would seem that churches ought to be wary of 
what is lurking on the horizon if Trinity wins.

Thank you for the very informative and thoughtful points and discussion.

Michael Peabody, Esq.
Founders First Freedom

On Apr 21, 2017 8:13 PM, "Laycock, H Douglas (hdl5c)" 
<<>> wrote:

The funding question resolved in the founding generation was special allocation 
of public funds, not part of any broader program or category, to support the 
core religious functions of churches -- the salaries of clergy mostly, but also 
sometimes the construction of churches, or the income from glebe lands, which 
could be used for any purpose the church chose. That kind of expenditure was 
and is unconstitutional; there is no modern dispute about that.

In that environment,  the principle of no discrimination in favor of or against 
religion was entirely consistent with the principle of no funding for religion. 
There were no programs of funding broad categories of private activities.

Today's issue is nondiscriminatory funding of secular functions carried out by 
religious organizations in religious contexts. Now the principles of no 
discrimination and no funding squarely conflict, and we have to choose between 
them. And the founding generation did not make that choice.

Douglas Laycock
Robert E. Scott Distinguished Professor of Law
University of Virginia
580 Massie Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903

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