> Example, i'm doing volunteer work on Friday,
> REM Friday FROM [today()] MSG Work at DT

'today()' is a function which returns the current day. Every time
remind is called, the line is evaluated by replacing [today()] with a
date when the remind was called. It doesn't make much sense to use it
with FROM keyword.

The reminder that you want is given by simply

  REM Friday MSG Work at DT

If you do a volunteer work only during this winter, then the keywords
are FROM and UNTIL

  REM Friday FROM 1 Dec 2016 UNTIL 1 March 2017 MSG Work at DT

Keywords AFTER and BEFORE (that you mentioned) control the behaviour
of the reminder if the event happens to be the OMIT day (e.g. a
holiday). Let say that you know that there is no volunteer work in
case Friday is a public holiday (which you specified as OMIT somewhere
in the remind files), instead the volunteer work is moved to the next
day. Then the syntax is

  REM Friday AFTER MSG Work at DT

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