Hey remind-fans@,

I hate to be dense, but my google-fu is weak and I have apparently gotten
myself confused.  I would like to run a command every day at (that day's)
sunrise using remind in daemon mode.  I have written

REM AT [sunrise()] RUN ...

having set ${Lat,Long}{Deg,Min,Sec} to the appropriate values.  As far as
my limited understanding goes, this is the "null date specification",
meaning repeat every day, and the sunrise() expression will be made (with a
default argument of today()) and the resulting string pasted in to the AT
I *believe* the line in the manual "In daemon mode, Remind also re-reads
the remind script when it detects that the system date has changed."
implies that this will be re-read every day and so will compute the correct
time.  Experimentally, this has worked well enough the past few days, but
of course that's not really an appropriate timeline for the experiment.
So, will what I've written above do what I want or will it run a command
every day at the sunrise time of the day the daemon was started or some
other what-I-said-but-not-what-I-meant thing?

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