I have a series of events and want to have a reminder appear the day
*after* the event to trigger followup.  Assuming 

REM Sep 9 2018 [magic here?] REM %"Follow up%"%

I'm looking for the magic that lets me keep the "Sept 9 2018" date
associated with the event, but has a follow-up reminder show up
in the output of `rem` on the day after the event.

There's the "+1" to get one day of *advance* notice, but I've not
been able to figure out how to get it to give *after-the-event*

Is there some secret to this I've missed?



(the above sounds formal and businessy, but the context is far less
grandiose:  I don't follow football, but when the Cowboys win, Dunkin
Donuts offers a free medium coffee the following day.  I don't really
need the reminders about when the Cowboys play.  I really just want an
easy way of taking their existing play-schedule and getting a
reminder on the day after so I check the scores to see if I get a
free coffee :-)

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