A few comments from a retired engineer.
Discussion on Modulation Process: I would offer a simple explanation with out getting into the mathematics for the non-engineering professionals in the group. FM and PM refers only to the modulation process in the transmitter. FM is where the frequency deviation is directly proportional to the amplitude of the modulating wave form. PM or Slope modulation is where the frequency deviation is directly proportional to the phase change or slope of the modulating wave form. Both FM and PM are detected in the receiver by one of many different processes, Frequency Discriminator, Ratio Detector, Quadrature Detector, and other digital processes of more recent design.
FM was forced upon the land mobile mfg as users wanted to modulate digital signals directly onto the RF carrier and not go through the modem/demod process. FM and PM are equally linear, its the additional low pass & high pass filters, audio limiters, audio amplifiers etc that introduce the distortion products into the system. Land Mobile was designed to sent understandable information between two points, not Hi-Fi audio. Look at what we are now accepting in cell phones.
RF Links: The Land Mobile radio equipment was never designed to be used for RF point to point links, but as there are people that want to get by with as little expense as possible most anything will be put to use. If you are fortunate enough, you should use 900 mhz and higher microwave equipment with baseband multiplexing. Then you won't have to worry about the links audio quality.
For those that still want to use mobile radio equipment for linking I would offer the following practical suggestion from my experience. One should look at the manufactures specifications of their pre/de-emphasis, you should find something like +3/-8 db of a standard 6 db per octave curve. This presents you with a considerable problem. The audio levels and sounds can vary considerably over the radios audio pass band, even from radios of the same manufacture. Also, different radios become non-linear at different levels of deviation. High quality radios will normally have good linearity up to +/- 4 KHz deviation; this is one reason why system distortion is measured at 2/3 system deviation.
        1. Link RF levels should have a fade margin greater than 15 db between Tx and Rx. NO RF levels at "YEA it's OK, SET IT THERE!".
        2. Match the Tx/Rx pre/de-emphasis as closely as practical. Component variation between the same mfg. sets can cause wide variations.
        3. Do not let the RF links modulation exceed +/- 3.3 KHz deviation (Set the links Tx max Deviation for +/- 5 KHz per the mfg instructions. Set the audio coupler between the repeaters Rx and the links Tx such that +/- 5 KHz deviation on the received signal into the repeater Rx produces only +/- 3.3 KHz deviation on the links Tx.) 

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