Anyone should contact the power company if you are not a electrician,  have them pull the meter socket . do that first if the seal is broken you will have a big problem explaining that.

also I took a class back in 1984 that Meter Socket after you get an approval ( unless they have someone to come out  according to their rules ) is stand off to the side, you may wake up on the ground with a meter stuck to your head and someone gets to use first aid on you or the EMS people are saying you ok !?

also Buy the GOOD MOV's  RCA used to have a SK series some time back, also ECG & NTE are suppliers, and I have no info. nor want to start a flaming war over this and that.

me sez no more.

    I've melted PL259 connectors on 20 meters but never seen one glow because of the spring becoming so hot. Bet it took the temper and tension out of that spring. We had a Radio Shack store in town catch on fire last year. Someone placed some combustible liquid next to a space heater and it burned 5 adjacent stores out in the strip mall before the fire was contained.
    Another thing people should be aware of is the MOV's in low quality plastic multi AC strip outlets. These cheap MOV's sometimes short out and become very hot, resulting in melting the plastic multi outlet, then burning your house down. I hear this type of problem happens more than people realize. MOV's are good, they do a decent job and serve a useful purpose. But don't rely on a 30 cent item to protect everything in your home. Purchase a quality large MOV capable of handling a good amount of joules from an electrical outlet supplier. Install it on your service breaker panel box.  It will protect your whole house. Check with your local electrical code prior to doing this. Many people are unaware some lightning shots inter homes via the telephone line, not the AC line. MOV's are available for them also.
Gary K2UQ


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