And most important of all, USE CTCSS on the 10-Meter Repeater - especially the 

Remember, there are only four - 10-Meter repeater channels to share - 
everywhere. They're unusable as it is, when the band opens up - a Real Mess!!!


-----Original Message-----
>From: Nate Bargmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Dec 29, 2006 3:24 PM
>Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] 10 meter split site rpt,  eqpt recommendations?
>* Ed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006 Dec 29 09:37 -0600]:
>> Gentlemen
>> With the recent licensing structure changes,  10m meters is going to be 
>> open to tech-minus ops like myself.  Im kicking around ideas of a split 
>> site 10m FM rpt,  with a 2 meter repeater as link / dual band core.
>As I understand it, the 10m FM portion will still be limited to
>General, Advanced and Extra licensees.  Technicians will have 28.000 to
>28.500 (as Novices and Tech Plus/HF received on December 15) as a result
>of the pending R&O.
>> Any suggestions of what kind of gear would be suitable for 10m repeater 
>> use?   Any tips of do's and dont's for 10m?
>I helped a club resurrect a 10m repeater a decade ago.  It was a pair
>of MASTR Pro machines with a UHF TX strip paired with the 10m receiver
>and a UHF receiver paired with the 10m transmitter.  The site seperation
>was about 8 miles.  The UHF link used yagis and PL and the 10m was
>carrier squelch as I recall with quarter wave whips.  Local range
>wasn't good, but we worked some interesting DX that summer.  To boost
>the fun factor we linked it into the UHF repeater (we had an RLC4 which
>made it easy to do).
>A pair of MASTR II mobiles, one low band and the other UHF, may work
>well (swap the 10m RX into the UHF and vice versa), but I suspect good
>MASTR II radios may be getting tough to find.  I'd suggest UHF for the
>auxillary link as 2m is still plenty crowded and your link may suffer
>from interference.
>Using a 10m repeater is certainly a different and fun way to work DX.
>Have fun!
>73, de Nate >>
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