--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, "IF YOUR NICE I MAY TELL 
> Hi all what do I need to put together a simplex repeater without 
> a recording device.I would like to hook up 2 radios and
> antennas.Thanks for any input.KC0USN 73's  Do simplex repeaters
> require Frequency cordinater to give frequency or can you pick 
your own?
Hello Frank it CAN be done Plessey managed it as a true low-power 
simplex repeater but it wqs VERY complex.I would'nt attempt to build 
one and IF you can find one on the surplus market it will cost you 
$5000 at least (although sucessful they only built about 100 of them)
     There are quite a few articles on the Web about this device my 
advice is forget the idea and do as others have suggested and use a 
Parrot (RadioShack and MFJ both make good ones)

(30 years in Military radio and Defence  Electronics)

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