At 08:48 AM 02/19/07, Jim Barbour WD8CHL wrote:
>Mike Morris WA6ILQ wrote:
> > Recently I did some research on the membership statistics for this group.
> >
> > Here's some interesting info:
> >275 are in "Special Notices" mode - i.e. they read the mail via the
> >YahooGroups web site, and if the owner or moderators send out a
> >special notice they will get it in their normal email (note that this
> >feature is almost never used here, in fact I can't remember the last
> >time it was used).
> >
> >1,679 are on "No Email" - i.e. they read the mail via the YahooGroups
> >web site and they have locked themselves out of special notices.
> >
> > That last tidbit is very surprising to me.  I would have thought that
> > maybe 1/10 that many would go to the hassle of reading the mail
> > through a web browser.
>I've always wondered about that myself. Reading a yahoo (or even a true
>'usenet' group) via a web site is soooooo sloooowwwwww, and you have no
>way of knowing which msgs you've read until you actually open the msg
>(or can remember by looking at the subject and author...)

Yep. And 1,954 folks that do that.

Personally I have the Group send mine to a Yahoo mail account that I drain
with a proxy program that runs on my machine in the background - my POP
mail reader thinks the proxy program is a POP server, but the proxy program
actually goes out and diddles the Yahoo web mail server as if I was reading
(and deleting) each message... proxies are cheaper than paying Yahoo for
POP access.

> > 1694 are in "Fully Featured" mode, the rest are either in "Default"
> > or "Traditional" mode.  The "Default" mode ones haven't made a choice
> > yet.  Yahoo may make one for them at some point.
>Not sure what you mean by that...???

The web side (i.e. user interface) of Yahoogroups can be in one of
two modes, new and old.  YahooGgroups would prefer that you use
the new "Fully Featured" mode (hence the "Default" name) but still
support the old ("Traditional") mode.

Looking at the data again,  1694 have chosen the new mode, 626
have actively chosen the old mode, and 1081 have not made a
choice.  The 1081 may get a rude surprise some day when Yahoo
makes a choice for them.

BTW the group was created on Feb 13 1999 and
by 1-2000 the group had 163 members.
By 1-2001 it had 350 members.
By 1-2002 it had 653 members.
By 1-2003 it had 989 members.
By 1-2004 it had 1450 members.
By 1-2005 it had 1896 members.
By 1-2006 it had 2519 members.
By the first of this year it had 3288 members.
And as of today we have 3402 members


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