At 2/25/2007 12:04, you wrote:
>Has anyone narrowbanded a Mitrek, MastrII, or Johnson PPL6060 with
>Com-Spec's narrowband filter kits?  Is it really worth doing?

I retrofitted a VHF HB Mastr II with the ComSpec filters a while 
back.  They definitely work.  However, if your goal is to provide 
additional adjacent channel rejection at 15 kHz channel spacing for 2 
meters, the entire retrofit may actually be too much, as 5 kHz deviated 
signals will be distorted (up to 4 kHz seems to be OK).  In that case you 
can try installing only part of the kit & carefully tune the IF to get the 
response symmetrical.  I tried this part way through the retrofit & it 
seemed to work but didn't leave the receiver in that state for more 
thorough testing.

Bob NO6B

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