Sky Command does not do any control on 2 meters. This aspect of the 
rules has not changed. What did change is that an auxiliary link can 
now be used on 2 meters. This makes it possible to link into a 2 meter 
repeater in-band without violating the rules. I think that rule 
discussion is not permitted on this list, and apologize for this 
response. But a common misconception about Sky Command is that it does 
some control on 2 meters. In fact, it only uses the 2 meter band to 
transmit the receive audio from the remote installation.

73 - Jim W5ZIT

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 7:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Linking question

What you are doing is a "remote base"

The whole skycommand deal was over remote control on 2m and doesn't
apply to what you are doing.

William Delbert Ellis wrote:
> Howdy, New to this group today.
> I am the control operator for two of our ham club repeaters.
> A 2m Motorola and 70cm Motorola.
> We had them next to each other hard wired linked with antennas on a
> very tall commercial
> tower in Austin. The UHF antenna was turned to dust by a
> lightning strike. The machine survived however the cost of a
> tower climb exceeds our cub funds so I have moved and
> coordinated the UHF machine 20 miles west to my home QTH
> tower. This works out nice as I am on a big hill and cover
> the local state park very well. I would like to link the two
> together by installing a 2m mobile rig on the UHF controller
> "linking radio" I/O and link it to the VHF machine.
> This would take the audio out of the UHF machine and
> transmit it on the mobile rig to the input of the VHF
> machine 20 miles east via a small 2m yagi. The RX audio on
> the 2m mobile rig would then be transmitted out on the UHF
> machine. This is all easy to do with the controller I have.
> The question is this legal now on the ham bands? I think up
> until early this year you could only link with UHF until the
> FCC changed the law enabling the Kenwood "sky command" to be
> legal on 2m thus allowing what I am planning. What are the
> group members thoughts on this?
> Thanks,
> Bill N5ZTW Central Texas.

Jay Urish CCNA Network Engineer


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