With the loss of all Morse Code, plus some other band
restructuring, there's now no need to differentiate
between Techs that took the 5WPM code test and those
that didn't. The FCC also did away with some other
classes. This happened during the last 4 months.

Bob M.
--- Don Kupferschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Recently I posted a question on renewing my Dad's
> license.  I received a lot of response from you, and
> I was successful in renewing his license.
> Now, I'm noticing something different, though.  From
> 1997 to 2007, he was listed as a tech plus.  QRZ has
> updated his license and is currently listing him as
> a technician.
> Did the rules change out in FCC land that now groups
> all tech + to just tech's?  If so, is there any
> changes in his operating status (like what
> frequencies he can / can't use)?
> Or, did something go wrong in the renewal process
> that I now have to address.
> TIA & '73.
> Don, KD9PT

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