N9WYS wrote:
> Tim,
> Now THAT'S a loaded question.  hehehehe
> Be prepared - now you'll get responses from Motorola fans, 
> GE/Ericsson/MA-Com/Tyco fans, Kenwood, et al.  So now it becomes a
> question of: new vs. old equipment; what purpose of usage (commercial
> vs. ham); etc. Ad Nauseum
> Mark - N9WYS
>> Who is making the best repeater these days?  Motorola or MA/Com
>> formaly GE?

Indeed-a VERY loaded question. I happen to like all three of of the ones 
mentioned, if you stay in the same class when you compare (unlike car 
companies ;c). Compare an MTR2000 to a TKR-750/850 (M/A-Com doesn't have 
a low end repeater.) Compare the MastrIII to a Quantar or a 
TKR-7400/8400 for a high end repeater.
They're all pretty good.

Jim Barbour

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