Ok, everyone, I am going to stop the discussion on this matter now.  I
have seen in this and been sent an email about trying to stay away
from discussion regulations in detail on this repeater, as very has an

If you wish to continue discussion on this matter, please feel free
to, but as for me, I have been present with a lot of information and
still reading the regs and such, I still have questions, so my next
option is the communicate with the ARRL and the FCC and try to get a
straight answer on this.

If I am present with a "true" straight answer on paging for the
benefit of a group or the community, I will be more than happy to pass
along the information I receive.

Thanks for all the input and provide such different insights on what
you feel, this is truely what the ham community is about, both helping
each other, helping others and learning more as we go.

Chris KE5IGO

--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, "n9wys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good catch, Laryn!  I think this supports my previous assertion, too.
> Mark - N9WYS
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com On Behalf Of Laryn Lohman
> 97.3 Definitions  (10) Broadcasting. Transmissions intended for
> reception by the general public, either direct or relayed.
> Laryn K8TVZ

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