I think the Maratrac is based on the MaxTrac radio. As
such, you'd probably have to go through the Board
Replacement -> PA Alignment procedure which sets the
output power at 16 discrete frequencies.

On Radius radios (cousins of MaxTracs), the freqs go
from 440-470, but on MaxTracs they usually go from
449-470. Some radios can be aligned to cover 440-470.
Not all radios will work below 445 MHz without some
other retuning, so even if the PA output is properly
aligned, there may be other issues.

You need the appropriate radio service software and
paraphernalia that goes with it, plus a dummy load and
a power indicating device (wattmeter or service

Bob M.
--- jimmylpowell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a Maratrac that will only make about 20 watts
> at 446.500 and
> almost nothing a little below that. At 448.00 and
> above it makes full
> power. I have another Maratrac that makes full power
> down to 440.000.
> I did not check it any further. The radios look a
> little different
> inside. The one that has low power is HUE 2189B the
> good one is
> HUE2089B. What changes were made to the design that
> may be causing my
> problem?  I want to put one of the radios in my
> service van and the
> other was going to be used as my repeater
> transmitter backup. I need
> it to transmit in the 443.000 range.
> Jimmy

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