Same here in NJ, if you apply for a ham plate, but does exclude someone
to apply for a personal plate that just happens to be a ham call

73 de KB2SSE

On Wed, 2007-09-26 at 10:50 -0500, n9wys wrote:
> At least they can’t do that in Illinois – IL requires a copy of your
> ham license along with the application for the plate.  And our plates
> say “ham radio” down the left side…
> ______________________________________________________________________
> From: On Behalf Of
> Likewise in Oregon. We were at a ham lunch several times and saw a
> plate with the letters N4CER. It was some Security company guy, who
> wanted it to be a cute version of "Enforcer" - we visited with him and
> he wasn't aware of what ham radio was and really seemed to care less.
> I guess if N4CER had moved to Oregon and wanted a Call Letter plate,
> he would have been out of luck since it was already taken.
> LJ
>         -----Original Message----- 
>         From: Tom Manning 
>         Don
>             You may also be surprised that Florida is issuing license
>         plates with ham calls on them to people who are not hams.
>         Several people have seen these plates with their ham calls on
>         them.  Life is interesting. 73 de Tom Manning, AF4UG 

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