A repeater that gets used is much better than one that is not used.  One not 
used is a waste.

Most all on Ham Radio is not necessary except for our enjoyment...these are 
toys...there is nothing wrong with having toys.

73, ron, n9ee/r

>Date: 2007/11/29 Thu PM 02:10:39 CST
>To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Usage of Linked Repeater Systems vs. Stand 
>Alone Repeaters

>Steve Stahl wrote:
>> I'm a Trucker and in my travels it seems that the link systems are
>> about the only place anything is going on....
>> I can't tell you how many areas I've been where you open the repeater
>> book, find a bunch of local machines and can't hear or raise a peep
>> out of anyone . On the other hand linked systems like the Win System
>> in California seems to have traffic all the time.
>>  Steve ke7ihg
>I'll say it again-a repeater that's busy all day long with drivel is NOT 
>available when someone needs it! Not to mention that electronic 
>components have a finite life, especially RF power transistors, and the 
>more the transmitter is running, the sooner it will be before it fails.
>I hate repeaters that are busy all day long with junk. They get pulled 
>out of scan REAL quick!
>Some of the crap I hear on local repeaters is the biggest waste of 
>spectrum I've seen.
>Jim Barbour

Ron Wright, N9EE
Owner 146.64 repeater Tampa Bay, FL
No tone, all are welcome.

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