Comments scattered in the text...

At 08:25 AM 12/11/07, you wrote:
Be wary of big sites like and others. I have heard that some of them have had security breaches and 'loose' requirements allowing noncompanies to 'harvest' your info for identity theft purposes......

I understand from a headhunter friend of mine that there is nothing
at any of the biggies (Dice, Monster, Career Builder) that would
prevent an identity theft crook from registering as a company and
gaining full access to one of the databases. Yes, it will cost him
a few dollars, but the reward would be worth it.

I know a few people that are job hunting, and they deliberately do
NOT post their address or a chronological format resume at any of
the on-line services, they just put an area (such as "Denver Colorado
area, will relocate for the right position") and a list of skills. If they are
contacted, then they can Google the company name and screen
the company to see if it's been in business for a while. If the company
is legitimate, then they email a real resume to the headhunter that
contacted them.
Sites like are good for checking out a company.

More comments below

Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 09:44:56 -0600
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Suggestions where to post Resume?

you might also try <>

On Dec 11, 2007 9:32 AM, Chad Stiles, N9PAY <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Alex (and others)
I talked to a friend of mine who works for a human resources business and she suggested to try posting in on <> or <> HR Recruiters commonly use those websites to search for people in technical fields worldwide. It might be worth a shot. Good luck.

There is a job hunting resource that is the best kept secret
in the world. Check out the next time you
are job hunting.  Just select the advanced job search page,
and plug in the keywords and a zip code and it checks out
Dice, Monster, Career Builder, Americas Job Exchange,
Gadball, EETimes, sologig,, and even corporations
like AT&T, Macys and Charter Communications for you.
Basically if the Indeed crew can write a script to mine a
job web site, they do.

Indeed even checks out the race-oriented web sites like Until it went away, it checked the NAACP
sponsored job site.

Don't complain about the ads on the right side, that's
what pays their bills.

At 02:17 PM 12/11/2007 +0000, you wrote:

I'm presently looking for new worldwide working opportunities in the
2-way radio arena. Have 30+ years experience in LMR plus a few in
Wireless Broadband (Alvarion and the like) equipment. I wanted to ask
for suggestions as to where I should post/publish my resume in order
to maximize my return on investment and exposure to increase my
chances to reach someone with interest in my qualifications without
having to spend tons of money. My resume has already been posted on my
website, so I only need to pass on a link to it. For now I'm also
planning on having a small classified ad published in the Radio
Resource and Mission Critical mags.

Any ideas would be very welcomed. Many thanks in advance for your kind

Best Regards,
Alex M. Rosenberg

On any job search web site you need to format your inquiry
properly - different organizations hiring managers word the
job title and requirements differently, and you have to play
a guessing game as to what to look for. For example,
Los Angeles Metro Transit Authority calls a 2-way tech a
"Systems Electronic Communication Technician",
whereas Los Angeles City calls him a "Communications
Electrician", and Los Angeles County calls it a
"Electronics Communications Technician"
not to be confused with "COMMUNICATIONS TOWER AND
Some jurisdictions call their public relations people or press people
"communications" workers, and that causes confusion... for example,
Orange county, the one south of Los Angeles county, has this position:
and this one
and this one
or their boss...

And the state calls it simply "Electronics Technician".

Couple the job title confusion with that fact that different web sites
use different ways to encode an OR function and you have a situation
where trying to find a 2-way job is like throwing darts at a moving
dart board while blindfolded.

For example, you might search for a position with a
search string formatted something like this:
(telecom or telecommunications or "radio shop" or
"2-way" or two-way" or "land mobile" or lmr or
"communications technician" or "communications
electrician" or "electronics technician" or "business
radio" or "NABER certification" or "APCO certification"
or "commercial radio license" or "FCC general mobile"
or "FCC mobile radio")
Unfortunately the above string finds every storefront computer
tech position, every vending machine tech position, every cable
TV tech position, every computer help desk position...
And for some search engines the string length is too long.
Another point - pick where you want to work, you will take home about
10-12% more from a job in Nevada that the exact same job in California
just due to the income taxes.
But income taxes aren't all of it - I have one friend that lives in Vancouver,
Washington state, and owns a company across the river in Portland
Oregon.  Vancouver is cheaper to live in (due to property taxes), Oregon
is cheaper to purchase in (no sales tax). He has his car registered at his
company address because in Oregon it's under $50 a year, no matter
what you drive. So he shops in Portland, and lives in Vancouver.

A lot of the LMR jobs these days are going to be in railroads, utility
companies, or in city, county, state or federal govt positions, and the
latter usually means public safety.
And more and more the "2-way" tech is having to have knowledge in the
IT, surveillance camera, cellphone, and telephone systems world.

Anything that involves public safety is going to require a serious background
check. If you have ANYTHING that is hokey in your background, make
sure that you clear it up before you apply for any government job.

A while back there was a opening with a city radio shop here in southern
California. It took them over three years to fill it - they posted it over and
over again.  The problem was that their city HR rules required them to have
three qualified candidates (at the same time) before they could schedule
oral interviews (the job posting had the decision based as 100% oral
interview), and the selected candidate had to pass a
gun-carrying-police-officer-grade background check,despite the fact that
the tech could not and would never carry a gun.

Do not expect any government hiring process to be as fast as the private
sector.  The tech that I know that works for that city told me that it took
him thirteen months and 2 weeks from the time he filed the application
until his first day on the job.

Another interesting case was the fact that the Secret Service had an
opening for a tech here in SoCal a while back. The local office handles
all technology from the middle of the USA  to Hong Kong, and the techs
are away from home for over 250 days a year.
It took them over 2 years to fill that slot - basically because they needed
a set of tech skills in 2-way (Spectras, Sabers and Quantars), surveillance
systems, phone systems, laptop, desktop and network support, plus in
a few other fields, plus a very, very, very intensive background check (after
all, that tech is going to, at times be within arms length of POTUS and
FLOTUS).  I was talking to the head tech one afternoon and he
commented that one of their most recent and outstanding candidates was
a twenty year military radio tech that went all the way to the last phase of
the background check, where they discovered enough verifiable dirt to put
him in Marion for espionage for a nice long time (Marion Illinois is a federal

The web site is the place to look for a federal govt job
(it's where I saw the Secret Service position posted).  Right now there are
postings for an Air Force "Tech Support Asst (JAG)" and for
"Telecommunications Mechanic". If you go after a federal job you will learn
to hate the letters "KSA".

BTW, in addition the ones I listed above, here are some current
openings - 20 minutes with Indeed and Google... the first listing has
SIX openings.



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