1st off  they have a CP to power upgrade to 1.5kw vert
100 watts Horizontal
They are licensed to operate at 100 Watts ERP 
translated thats 240 Watts TPO( transmitter Power
output.  as Far as Running 240 watts
 that is Correct For their licensed Power.... They
were not Running too much power.
 Yes they were Licensed for operating at a height of
43 feet. When THey lost the building (sold) their old
Engineer Moved them To the building Next door which
happened to Be a 13 story building. (their first
mistake was listening to their old Engineer)  First
4th.. as far as no Logs....
 The FCC no longer requires Logging transmitter
readings every 3 hours.  Hence  No Logs are Required .
they Did infact have a logbook for the EAS and it was
current.except that they only monitored 1 LP-1 station
and NWS..

They Did in-fact have a Chief operator statement it
was in The New public file that was being put together
after the Old Engineer stole the original public file(
second violation.,
 you have no Idea how hard it was to try to obtain all
the old FCC paperwork to place in the New file.

As far as the station manager not having a Clue... YES
thats very true.
 no Need for transmitter remote Control when you walk
Up several fights of stairs and Physically turn ON/OFF
 or raise lower the power of the transmitter. which he
did not know.  He thought turning off the audio was
shutting down the station.
If the GM or the Field Engineer would have made a
Phone call to me.
 I could have told him where to find the Public File(
in the cabinet next to my desk. and the Chief operator

now the Question is Why it took a Year to issue this
NAL   after the FCC granted them a minor change to
move the station to its current location  Grant the
STA to operate renew the STA. Renew the Full license 
and Grant a CP for a power increase. 
As you can read in the NAL. they came and ijnspected
the new Facilities  and Everything was in order the
Public File. The antenna height the Power level. The
location.  RFR Signs Everything was OK.. and then they
Issued the NAL.. they can see that they did everythng
correctly after getting a real Engineer. The FCC
should have just dropped or reduced the NAL. Or just
give the NAL for being stupid  and go after the Old
 I told them to just Pay the Fine and lets move onto
the New Project the Power increase.

any other Questions???

 Current CE WYGG

The FCC data base lists their ERP as 1.5KW and antenna
height as 26 meters AMSL.


n9wys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    I did some checking on station WYGG.

    1) They are licensed for 100W; they were operating
at 240W.
    2) They are licensed for an antenna height of 15
meters (~46 feet). They
    were operating at almost *3 times* that height
(29.9 meters in excess).
    3) They had no logs available;
    4) There was no designated chief engineer;
    5) The station manager didn't have a clue.

    I think they're lucky to have been able to keep
their license - then again,
    maybe the FCC allowed them to keep it because they
know that this is a
    "known-good revenue stream"...

    Mark - N9WYS

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