Does anyone know of a radio "timeline" or a list of
all the mobile radios and when they roughly came out?
Since most of the great radios are now MD, there's no
need for an end-of-life date. I can make a guess at
some models, but there are so many that I've heard of
but never seen. This is just the kind of thing that
Motorola would have maintained, up until they got rid
of everyone who worked for them in the US last

If this is already on the web, a link to it would be
great. If not, perhaps we can make one ourselves and
get it put up on the repeater-builder web site. I know
there are plenty of people out there who remember the
old Twin-V and T43GGV radios (I'm dating myself here),
Motracs, Micors, etc.


Bob M.

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