Hi Ronny, 

I love a good "stump the audience picture". 

Hard to make out the photo contents... but! 

It's an Ositis Board... made and sold by the local famous 
Gus "Ositis Communications" Company here in Orinda Califorina. 
Gus is a really nice guy and electronics wise was way out in 
front of most people. He sold well designed (they actually 
worked very well) ctcss boards and plug in tone panels. His 
pc boards were always blue in color... 

Gus is now retired... having done well in the SMR Business 
back in the 80's.  I left a phone message at his house to 
have him call me back.  I'm sure all the docs for his tone 
board are in boxes somewhere in storage or no longer available

I probably have the docs for that board... and many of the more 
common Ositis Boards... but my docs are in transition to our 
new shop file cabinet system so it would be a bit of time before 
I can make them available to you. But I would (at no cost of 
course) if you're patient and offer to buy coffee (decafe please) 
or a braut the next time we all meet up a Dayton. "will work for 


skipp025 at yahoo.com 
> "Ronny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Picture in group files
> http://ph.groups.yahoo.com/group/Repeater-Builder/photos/view/e85b?b=4
> If you know what it is and/or have the pinout/docs for it I would
> appreciate an email back.
> Thanks!
> Ronny K4RJJ

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