Yes, many R100's have been moved into the ham band.
Yes, they need to be retuned.
They perform quite well, in my opinion.

A service manual will do wonders at this point.
They are available on the web, please find one.

The transmitter and receiver both need to be retuned.
Transmit is easy, just need a good VOM.

The receiver is more difficult and would be best with a signal 
generator although with some ingenuity you could produce some weak 
signal scenarios that could get the rx close once the helicals are 



Last I checked, the helicals are unavailable and it is easy to ruin 
2) Use a perfect fitting screwdriver to adjust them
4) Work them carefully until loosened with a steady but firm downward 
(not too firm)pressure back and forth slowly and steadily

Every one that I have done has had tight helicals, especially the well 
painted ones, usually red.
Be patient and work them back and forth until they are movable. 

Look around on the web.
Posts have mentioned the soldering in the PA section not being very 
good. Thankfully, haven't run into that yet.

My own experience has the power supplies going out in a few.
First indicator the transistors are going out, HEAT.
The black heat sink will be warm even without transmitting.

Here is a what we did: replaced the power transistors in the black heat 
sink with ones for an Astron power supply, still working great.
The transistors were for the 20 and 50 amp.
Some of the transistors are partially soldered on the back of the pins 
so don't be surprised if they don't pull out easily.
If you have to unsolder things, a digital picture beforehand can save a 
lot of searching later on. :)

After transistor replacement the voltage was very stable and the heat 
sinks remain relatively cool even with extended transmit times. 

The repeater works fine stand alone but for Ham use, an IDer or 
controller would be good.

Wiring in a controller is a different issue.

An IDoMatic wired into the back board works great.
Fits in the case and draws very little power.

Hmmm, be careful where you wire things in, especially audio.
There is DC voltage on some of the audio lines.
The JAUX, if you have one, has a few available audios.
I think you don't want deskset audio but don't quote me.
Check the voltages on your lines.

COS is available at the back board as well.
Grey wire in the connector I think.

Neat little machine overall.
Running 10 watts into Henry amps the 25 watt repeaters barely warm up.
We are running ARR preamps tuned to our repeater frequencies with pass 
cans and BPBR duplexers.
We have had zero problems with interference using this configuration.

Hope this helps.



--- In, "kd7yuw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have the hacked software to program out of band for the Motorola 
> but wondered if there would be any retuneing to be done once I move 
> to 444-449 area of the band .
> Just would like to know if any one has done this and how well the 
> repeater preforms ?
> Thanks 
> Andy KD7YUW

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