If you are using correctly installed stock micor pl decoder board and you are 
taking your audio from the audio squelch board pin 7 (preamp output) the ctcss 
will be removed and the audio de-emphasized at this point.  You would have to 
mod the controller for de-emphasized audio.

If you want to filter raw discriminator audio you could probably get another pl 
decoder board and feed the raw discriminator audio through the filter on that 

I am not sure if this will work or not because the raw discriminator output is 
a low level high impedance signal and the filter is being fed low impedance 
audio in its natural habitat.

I am sure someone else can correct me if I am wrong.

tom n8ies

----- Original Message ----- 
From: TGundo 2003 
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
Sent: 4/23/2008 12:14:38 AM 
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] CTCSS Filtering and Micor

There's been a lot of discussion over on the S-Com group about CTCSS filtering. 
I have read several posts about Micor's doing the filtering already.

Here is my stupid question of the day:

If I have a Micor UHF Station interfaced to a 7K following the WA1ZYX article 
on the RB website, Can I assume I am not taking advantage of the CTCSS 
filtering since the audio is pulled straight off the discriminator? Is there a 
different place I could pull it to be filtered?


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