There's a thread in one of the vintage stereo groups about problems with 
shipping companies and their not honoring damage claims. UPS and FedEx 
seem to be the worst, with DHL better than the two.

I had one shipper who literally threw about 50# worth of assorted radios 
and parts into a thin single-wall corrugated box, wrapped  with a bunch 
of clear packing tape. About half of the radios were broken , and one 
was in such a bad shape that I really can't do much with it besides let 
it sit on the shelf.

n9wys wrote:
> It apparently didn't come UPS, did it?  
> They are anal about the way they accept packages (at least in these parts)
> probably because they have a tendency to bash-up everything they ship.
> (Hence: "United Package Smashers")  ;-p
> Mark - N9WYS
> -----Original Message-----
> From: On Behalf Of skipp025
> Re: Repeater Power Amplifier sent in a plain brown paper bag 
> Just one of those scratch your head things... I bought a repeater 
> rf power amplifier off ebay this month. The seller sent it out 
> wrapped only in a brown paper grocery bag. Only the folded over 
> open end had clear tape to seal it. 
> The big surpise is how it arrived in pretty fair condition... less 
> one of the 19 inch rack mounting ears being bent. The bag had no 
> holes or tears. 
> Once in a while I get lucky... :-) 
> s. 

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